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Community Development

Community Development

“Community Development can be tentetively defined as a process design to create conditions of economic and social progress for the whole community with its active participation and the fullest possible reliance upon the community’s initialctivities.” – UN-

समिदायिक विकास एउटा त्यस्तो प्रक्रिया हो जसले समुदायलाई नै आफ्नै सहभागितामा र दिगो प्रगति गर्ने ढाँचामा अगाडी बढाउछ

राष्ट्र बलियो र शक्तिसाली भएमा मात्रै आफ्नो सम्रक्ष्यण हुने तथा सामाजिक कल्याण मार्फत समग्र रास्ट्रको विकास हुने कुरामा बिश्वास गर्न थालिए पश्चात state led strategy को प्रारम्भ हुन गएको पाईन्छ

समुदायमा मानिसहरुको सामुहिक प्रयासमा त्यस समुदायको सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक रुपान्तरण गर्ने प्रक्रियालाई सामुदायिक विकास भनिन्छ

Early community development practitionars operated without benefits of a well articulated group of proposition as a paradigm to guide practice. They depend as a few favourite general principles. They used their own sense of the situation to determine what, when, where, with whom,avout what and by which techniques they used as community developers.

Coomunity development theory must always be moving. Thus it has taken as the apprence of a jumble of definition and theoritical bits and pieces constantly being arranged, modified and re-arranged.

Community Development was the first organised attempt to lift the countries old stagnant rural economy from the morass and inertia of the proverbial fatalist outlooks and to the extent it generated some awakening and visible change in the social and cultural mores it was eminently successful.

The prevailing ideology underlying the concept and approach of community development was biased towards social welfare and politics, with matters of economic development and growth having secondary priority .” Integrated rural development in Latin America

It was designed to encourage self help efforts to raise standards of living and to create self reliant communities with an assured sense of social political responsibility. The development of infrastructure and social services and even the increase in production ie. Economic development, were seen as somewhat incidental to the basic political motive of community development.

Community development is the movement designed to promote better living in whole community with the active participation, and if possible, on the initiative of the community, but if it is initiative is not forthcoming spontaneously then by the use of techniques for arousing the stimulating it in order to serve its active and enthusiastic response to the movement.

Communtiy development is the method by which the people who live in the local village, are involve in helping to improve their economic and social conditions and their by become effective working grop in program of national development.”. - Tylor

Community development is a program, is a process, is a method, and ia a movement”. – I. Sender

सामुदायिक विकास भनेको पुरै समिदयाको राम्रो जीवन शैली भएको बसोबासको प्रबर्धनको निमित्तगरिने आन्दोलन हो” –

सामुदायिक विकास एउटा पक्रिया हो जो सबै समुदायका लागी समुहको पूर्ण सहयोगबाट आर्थिक तथा सामाजिक बिकासको परिस्थिति बन्दछा र पूर्ण रुपले समुदायको अग्रसरतामा निर्भर गर्दछ

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