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Aug 3, 2012

Community Development

Community Development

समुदायमा मानिसहरुको सामुहिक प्रयासमा त्यस समुदायको सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक रुपान्तरण गर्ने प्रक्रियालाई सामुदायिक विकास भनिन्छ

Early community development practitionars operated without benefits of a well articulated group of proposition as a paradigm to guide practice. They depend as a few favourite general principles. They used their own sense of the situation to determine what, when, where, with whom,avout what and by which techniques they used as community developers.

Coomunity development theory must always be moving. Thus it has taken as the apprence of a jumble of definition and theoritical bits and pieces constantly being arranged, modified and re-arranged.

Community development is the process of community coming together around its shared goals. It involves community member’s developing a sense of common vision. It is an inclusive process which reaches out to all segment of the community to ensure every one participates in identifying their needs making decisions and taking actions. – RD hand Book Of Canada

“Community Development can be tentetively defined as a process design to create conditions of economic and social progress for the whole community with its active participation and the fullest possible reliance upon the community’s initialctivities.” – UN-

समिदायिक विकास एउटा त्यस्तो प्रक्रिया हो जसले समुदायलाई नै आफ्नै सहभागितामा र दिगो प्रगति गर्ने ढाँचामा अगाडी बढाउछ

राष्ट्र बलियो र शक्तिसाली भएमा मात्रै आफ्नो सम्रक्ष्यण हुने तथा सामाजिक कल्याण मार्फत समग्र रास्ट्रको विकास हुने कुरामा बिश्वास गर्न थालिए पश्चात state led strategy को प्रारम्भ हुन गएको पाईन्छ

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